Saturday, September 11, 2004

One Night....

Days have gone by, nights have faded away into the bright sunlight, faces have changed, people; well that is a different matter altogether. It is difficult to determine just how same each person really is. It takes a great volume of conviction to change, whether it is oneself, or those that one is attached to in a bond beyond material or physical constraints. Innumerable moments of pain pass like centuries of endless agony. Each second, the pain multiplies by a factor of infinity, only to cause another death the very next instant. Infinite deaths, each followed by a rebirth, only to fall back, deep into the arms of death once again. The cycle is endless, endlessly unbearable, endlessly beautiful, each one worth dying for and coming back to life once again, only to experience the ecstasy of death over and over again. We blame those around us of succumbing to the changes of life and attitude as time goes by, notwithstanding the fact that we too are part of the same society and race called humanity. We are bound to change, and those that don’t are the ones that end up all alone in the world, hardly a soul to care for them, to ask them their health, to sit down next to them and exchange a few feelings. Life as I feel it with my inner soul, in an environment like this, is by no means less than a miracle. I just for miracles such as this more often.


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